Gary Wynn Memorial Scholarship in Sociology

The Gary Wynn Scholarship is awarded to an outstanding freshman or sophomore student who plans to major in sociology. Minimum qualifications include: 2.50 grade point average; full-time enrollment (12 semester hours or more); and U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Selection is made by the faculty of the Social Science Department. This scholarship honors the memory of Gary Wynn who taught anthropology, history and sociology at South Plains College for 30 years. Professor Wynn, who retired in 1996 from the college, was among the first faculty members to teach college courses at the former Reese Air Force Base in the 1970s. The scholarship program was established to recognize his 30 years of service to the college. Mr. Wynn died in 2006. The scholarship program was endowed by his wife Gwen Wynn, who taught 39 years at South Plains College in the Social Science Department, and through the generosity of friends and family members.
