John L. and Vergie Belle Smallwood Scholarship

The John L. and Vergie Belle Smallwood Scholarship is one of South Plains College’s oldest active and prestigious scholarship programs. Students named Smallwood Scholars exhibit the high standards of character, leadership and scholarship. The scholarship is awarded to outstanding incoming freshmen students. Qualifications include: graduation in the upper 50% of high school class; minimum 3.00 grade point average; full-time enrollment (12 semester hours or more) in an associate degree program; U.S. citizen or permanent resident; submission of ACT or SAT scores; and letter of recommendation from a school official. The Smallwoods were long-time residents and business leaders in Levelland. Having no children, they quietly helped many young people attend college. Scholarship funds are made available annually from the Smallwood Trust, which is administered by Citizen?s Bank, Kilgore, Texas.
